Twitter Engage

Similar to Facebook Mentions, Twitter has just unveiled their new app Engage. While the benefit targets primarily the 'celebs' in our EdTech world and beyond, some of the analytics features may be of interest to even the most casual user looking to gain more insight into their social media presence. 

The app includes three main tabs. The "Engage" tab highlights the most important interactions you've had on Twitter, and includes mentions from users who are verified, followed by a lot of your followers, or interact with you frequently. The next tab, "Understand," shows you higher-level analytics for your posts. For example, it can display to you how many impressions you're getting over time. Finally, the "Posts" tab shows you detailed performance numbers for individual posts. You know, for those of us who are curious!

Very interesting if you're into looking at the impact or 'potential' of your impact of your tweets.

What do you think of Engage? Please tweet back to me your reply. Why? Because if you're famous, I'll definitely see it!